The Forest

by Krishandra Murphy

The Forest

By: Krishandra Murphy

The house was hushed, only the chime fighting against the cold breeze. The living room looks to be small and lively, from a daily life that would be cheerful. The leather chairs crowded the area, displaying different colors laying upon the top, flowers were decorated around the walls with pictures of smiles and laughter, the fireplace on the wall just came to a fault as now only smoke filled the air. The windows made a small glow in the house, in the living room was Roy and Maire. Roy looked down from her standing tall a few inches from the chair Maire rests on, her gaze centered on the man. He stepped through the door with his jacket, hat, and bulky pants covered in pine needles now littered the carpet. Roy glanced at her, the only thing to recognize was the tight sweater that hugged her torso, and a cup of tea on the small table beside her. Both of them looked at each other’s wrinkled face, tight furrowed brows with traces of white hair threaded with them. The pair made no move to talk, waiting for the other to speak first, there was a creak in the other room. Roy started to open his mouth to breathe in the sound caused Maire to snap.

¨How could you let our son wander off like that, YOU make me sick¨ her chair creaked from the sudden lack of weight, the chair reaching as it was almost to the wall by now. She grabbed the bed side table and yanked it. The tea launched and landed on the carpet. Some shards approached the shoes of the man. His anger increased as the liquid dripped down his boots. His eyes wide and sweat draped his face making a path to reach his nose and continue to travel to his beard. 

¨Could you shut up, I don’t want to fucking talk about it right now, I JUST got done with my job, you been patronizing me for years about this. Let it go we have another kid that needs us and with the way your acting you push everything on our daughter so STOP.¨ He looked to the other door not knowing what the noise was only to find his daughter with her face wet and eyes red, unsure of what to do when both get like this. His boots came into contact with the wood causing it to creak with each movement. While each creak he steps closer only to be pulled back by a shaking arm.

¨Do NOT walk away, Not until you admit you screwed up! If only you were smart enough to know not to take him with you in the woods. How about that, my first baby was stolen from me because of you, and then you accuse me of pushing everything on my daughter. I am grieving because you do not understand that, she is my only child,  I can’t help it.¨ She lets out a little whine as saltiness enters her face, the taste of saltiness fills her mouth right. His mouth curled up in a snarl but he sighed and let out a breath of frustration before talking.

¨Then do you not notice our daughter in the walkway.¨ that was the last thing he said before yanking his wife’s hand away, before walking to his daughter still with tears picking her up and shushing her. Moving out of the door before Maire could make a stride towards them. As they walked the young girl clung to the jacket hoping it would hide her away. Roy looked down to the small lump in his chest, securing his arms more tightly in hopes to sooth the young child. He looked around halfway at the walls, which contained wood carving he had made for his wife, old pictures of his daughter smiling, the parents being complete statues. His eyes blew up as he saw some pictures of his son, the family so cheerful after the fun day at the farmers market, sadly the place closed down soon after the missing case for his son. He shakes his head trying to focus on the future with what he has now. Thoughts cloud his mind no matter how hard he tries what had taken his son he was in the woods everyday working, nothing came to mind. What would have snatched his son in the day when he wandered away for only 10 minutes, the only prints that were wolf-like maybe deer as well.  The wolves were friendly around these parts. I would always give out the kills I would give the leftovers, that would satisfy the wolves…. What happened to my boy? 

¨Roy¨ she asked softly to her father, failing to notice the blankness and rage in his eyes. He glared at the child sharply, the small blob looked petrified as she tried to keep the world away. He looked at himself shocked at his reflection in the picture, it was faint but his stare held so much hatred he didn’t know he had for the small girl. Facing the child he quickly glanced away unsure of what to do after he scared the child not wanting to make it worse. This was much easier to comfort our boy.. 

There was a quick bump as his head hit the wall after realizing the door was that close he opened the door making his way inside. Arriving to the side of the door to make the room flutter into a soothing light, after avoiding the land mines on the ground that consisted of race cars and elephant statues. The sheets on the bed weighed down as the tiny body came to rest, the bed had been small enough for her to rest and her elephant sheets caused her to giggle. Once she was sounded in the blankets he put her favorite toy beside her, her chubby hands snatching it immediately. Moving away from the bed he quickly stopped as the girl pointed to her forehead, once again as he got up the girl pointed at the books wanting to explore the land of puppet with the latest copy called The Dangers Of The Unknown by Amanda Creek about the creatures in the night snatching people who are naughty. His chest sunk as he started the story, 

´Once upon a time there was a strange place where kids used to play. There was a strange friend, a big one, with horns but that was for the kids that were too close to the woods. ¨He took another breath before continuing until he heard a small voice interrupt him.

¨Can Mommy come to she has the best voices, she always knows how to read it she also gives the best good night kisses¨ He looked around wary and unsure ¨I just don’t like it when you fight I don’t want to start another one.¨

¨Of course honey I can go get her¨ he says loudly causing her to giggle. He quickly leaves the room unable to avoid stepping on a race car almost swearing for his child to hear. As the door shut he sighed, not sure of what to say about the talk. His footsteps being quieter made his way back to the living room. His wife was smoking as gray clouds surrounded the not so pleasant place anymore, she looked away ashamed of the fragrance in the air, she put it out immediately it didn’t even look to be halfway finished.

¨Our daughter wants you¨ he said awkwardly, unsure of what to say about what his daughter said to him. His wife glares deeply into him, not a look of disdain but a look of questioning. Almost like he knew what his daughter said to him she nods, getting up kissing his cheek awkwardly like a silent agreement to something he doesn’t know and rushes off to the room his daughter is located. His ears scanned the room that he just left wondering if he would have to be called again for another story, when he heard nothing he yawned. His vision became cloudy as his eyes started to droop down, he saw the coat rack removing his jacket he brought it over and placed it down, when he turned away its falls making a thump.

 Striding over to the kitchen he looked to the sink noticing the dishes might as well get it done if press needs another story, why couldn’t Maire do it she is a stay at home for this reason. Picking up one of the dishes he grabs the scrub and starts to pick at the stain until he sees something from the window. It watches him, he’s never seen something like this. It looked human almost, he shakes, unable to move after the creature lunges and turns to run in the woods leaving a trail of prints behind. He shakes off due to his tiredness and finishes the dishes quietly.

He looked to the side to see his daughter’s room again. He turned to go back to the living room, but his brain tells him otherwise. Slowly opening the door he saw both his wife and child snuggled together almost like a new person, he looked away saddened but moved to wrap the blanket around the now sleeping woman. Pushing his lips on both of their foreheads they both smile, he makes his way out this time avoiding the landmines successfully. He returned to the hallway looking back at the picture of his son. Slowly grabbing the picture he inspects before sitting beside the small desk under the photos,  I have to move on for my daughter, his weight slumps laying on the bigger chair. He sighs, not bothering to eat dinner, not remembering how drowsy he is, he closes his eyes.

…two hours later…

A scream shoke through the house and the man shot up, through blurred eyes at the soundings. Staring right at him was the thing from the kitchen this time scream and yelling, growling, pacing, running to the other side of the house. He looked at the hallway door and his stomps increased as the word protested against the weight of his shoes. The door slammed, the hinges of it almost flying out from their place. Scanning the room he sees both of them still asleep, almost peaceful. He sighs in relief before he hears a bang from the living room. The creature was at the door glazing through the window continuing screaming running off for good. He picks up his axe and rushes the door finding out what this creature truly is.

As the cold air surrounded him he looked down trying to find tracks to his horror were the same ones that were there when his son went missing. With a new anger he rushes through the trees swinging the axe if one dares to interrupt his search, running out of breath he looks around the scream coming from all sides of him creeping in.

¨COME OUT HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON?! TALK TO ME. WHEN I FIND YOU THERE WILL BE NO MERCY.¨ His hoarse voice strained the area, along with the slightest hint of desperation. The screams grew quieter just like this morning the only sounds were deer even then it was only silent. His eyes welled up with tears of anger knowing whoever was there did this, caused so many loses, rumors of other kids like his boy.


¨YOU BETTER HIDE WELL TOMORROW THEIR WILL BE NOTHING THAT CAN COME IN BETWEEN US¨ he turned his back and walked back striking wood with his axe angry unsure of what truly is to come tomorrow or even tonight if it chooses to strike again, he has to make sure that his small fam- himself is safe.

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